This year is yours for the taking, and there is no better way to take charge than with careful planning and execution. So, we devote this week’s Antidote on the law of attraction and the power of your vision board.
Vision boards have long been used as a tool for attracting, creating, and realizing your dreams. Actors, musicians, businessmen and many more have attested to its power long after they even recalled creating it- and that’s what’s so remarkable about it.
To create your vision board, all you need is a white piece of poster paper, some markers, glue, and pictures of what you want/visualize your life to be. Make sure to set realistic attainable goals. Take a moment to actually visualize where you want to be at the end of 2023. Gunning for a promotion at work? Looking to find love? Updating your wardrobe? Be as clear and concise as you can- the more you are, the greater chance you have of actualizing your dreams.
Another important tip is to check in to your vision board daily before going to bed and when you wake up. This will set the intention for the day and allow you to take steps toward achieving your goal throughout the year. It's also a great reminder of what you're working towards, and can help keep you motivated when things get tough.
Lastly, add affirmations or quotes that align with your goals. These can serve as daily reminders of what you're working towards and help to keep you motivated. For example, if your goal is to get a promotion at work, you may want to add a quote that says "I am confident and capable in my abilities" or "I am destined for success in my career."
Remember… achieving your goals may not always happen in the way you expect. Sometimes, the universe has a way of bringing you what you want in unexpected ways. So, be open to new opportunities and trust that you are on the right path.
Creating a vision board is a great way to manifest your dreams and goals. By setting clear and specific intentions, taking action towards achieving your goals, and being open to new opportunities, you can turn your vision into reality. Check in with your vision board daily, stay focused on your intentions, and trust that the universe will bring you what you want. This year is yours for the taking, so go for it!
Monday Mantra
Your Monday Mantra to start this week is:
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference” - Reinhold Nieburh
Your Week in Astrology: Jan 22nd - Jan 29th
Like all reasonable and rational people everywhere, the only way to properly kick off your week is with a horoscope to predict your trials, tribulations, mishaps, and successes! Have an important meeting this week? Gunning for a promotion? Going to profess your love to your crush? Fear not, as we’ve got you covered on all fronts with our weekly astrology reading. Enter our mystical world of stars and astros…
This week, Aries, it's time to truly focus on your personal relationships. If you have a family, make sure to give them the attention and care they need. And remember, being selfless and putting others first can often be the key to improving any difficult situations. But don't forget about yourself, as by the weekend, you'll have a chance to take care of yourself too. The stars are aligning in a way that may bring new romantic opportunities or even the reappearance of an old flame. Communication will be especially important, as it could give you the energy and motivation you need. And don't underestimate the power of creative outlets, sports, and intellectual pursuits to inspire and uplift you.
Hey Taurus, it looks like this week is going to be a smooth ride for you. The stars are aligning in your favor, and your creative energy is at an all-time high. This is a great opportunity for you to explore new possibilities and find new ways to approach familiar things. Don't limit yourself to just one project, spread your wings and take on multiple tasks at once.
As the week comes to an end, it's important to address any issues that may arise in your personal relationships. The key is to be honest and direct in your communication. This will help to prevent feelings of jealousy, resentment, and misunderstanding. And if you happen to come across anyone who seems to be envious of your success, it's best to steer clear of them. Their negativity will only bring you down and won't contribute to a positive mindset.
This week, luck is on your side, dear Gemini. If you take initiative and use your skills, you'll be able to make the most of it. Pay attention to the subtle messages and clues that the universe is sending your way. It all depends on your emotional state, so try to stay optimistic. Remember, an optimistic mindset can take you far.
In the second half of the week, it's a great time to work on any issues in your romantic relationships. If you're married, try to resolve any differences and make things better. If you're single, this is a good time to reconnect with an old flame or to pursue someone you've recently met online.
Dear Cancer, this week is a time for you to stand up for yourself and fight for your independence. This journey may begin at home, but it's no less important because of it. The key to success is to clearly communicate your desires and intentions to your loved ones. By being open and honest with them, you'll have a better chance of getting them on board with your plans.
It's important to remember that love is the key to avoiding conflict. So, approach your loved ones with sensitivity and understanding. If you're single, this could be a great time to open up to virtual conversations and explore the possibility of finding a life partner. Whoever comes into your life during this period is likely to play a significant role in your future.
Hey Leos, it looks like this week is bringing some exciting opportunities your way. But before you jump into something new, make sure it's the right choice for you and the people around you. Remember, sometimes it's better to stick with what's comfortable instead of taking risks.
Also, don't forget to take care of yourself. Midweek, some of you may feel like you're running low on energy. If that's the case, it might be a good idea to slow down a bit, reflect on where you've been, and make sure you're getting enough rest. Think about it, maybe there's something in your routine that's draining you. It could be something as simple as a bad habit.
This week, Virgos, it's time to let go of being too practical and focus on embracing love and freedom in your relationships. Trust me, it will bring a sense of calm and harmony to your life. And don't forget to take care of yourself too! It's the perfect time to start a new diet or adopt a healthier lifestyle.
As the week comes to an end, it's important for you to remember that your ideas and thoughts are valuable and can make an impact on those around you. So speak up and express yourself with confidence. Your loved ones will be your biggest supporters as always.
As a Libra, the planets are influencing you to take charge of your schedule and prioritize your tasks for the week. Just make sure that your goals don't hurt the feelings of those you care about. You may have a tendency to be a bit impulsive and say things that could offend someone, so try to make amends quickly and don't be afraid to apologize. Remember to rely on yourself more and not put too much trust in others. It's possible that a recent agreement may fall through, but don't blame others for their shortcomings. By letting go of negative relationships, you're making room for better things to come.
Hey Scorpios, it looks like this week may bring a bit of sadness for some of you. Maybe one of your plans didn't pan out the way you hoped, or maybe an old debt has gone unpaid. It could even be that someone we were counting on for support is no longer in the picture. But let's not let these setbacks get us down. Let's focus on the positive and think about how you can protect yourself from similar situations in the future.
And towards the end of the week, it's possible that you may need to apologize to someone close to you. Maybe you couldn't keep a promise you made. Saying "sorry, it's my fault" is a good start, but it's not enough. The most important thing is to take responsibility and work towards resolving any unresolved issues.
This week, dear Sagittarius, you may be in for a pleasant surprise when it comes to your finances. You may receive some material assistance or an offer related to your career. But don't worry, the stars are aligned in your favor for all other aspects of your life as well. You'll start to notice positive changes in your personal affairs and any disagreements in your marriage will be resolved. This is also a great time to reconnect with a loved one and find the right words to express yourself.
As the days go by, your confidence in yourself will continue to grow, but don't let that go to your head. Remember to always listen to the opinions of those around you. If someone comes to you for help or advice, don't hesitate to lend a helping hand. You never know when you might need their support in return.
This week is a great time for Capricorns to take on new projects and endeavors. You'll especially excel in situations where you can use your natural charm and persuasion skills. Don't be too hard on yourself, and remember that with the right approach, you can accomplish anything - even convincing an unwilling opponent.
However, this isn't the best time for business-related matters. Any home projects or renovations you have planned will take longer than expected. And as a Capricorn, it's important to take care of your health by paying attention to your diet. If you've been eating low-quality or unhealthy foods, now is the time to make a change for the better.
Hey Aquarians, watch out this week for keeping your confidential information under wraps. The stars are aligning in a way that one slip-up could reveal your secrets. But don't worry, this is the only potential trouble in store for you. On the bright side, there are plenty of opportunities coming your way to use your natural talents, creativity, and intuition.
This week is a big one for many of you in terms of your personal life. Single Aquarians may finally get the chance to hear that special someone say "yes". And for those of you in relationships, you may be pleasantly surprised to find that the spark in your marriage is still very much alive. A little bit of romance might just reignite that fire.
Focus on the present and use your intuition to guide you in decision-making. Trust in yourself and your abilities, as you have the knowledge and experience to make the right choices. Avoid getting caught up in unrealistic ideas or plans for the future. Instead, focus on creating harmony and comfort in your immediate surroundings. Remember to listen to your own inner voice and trust in your own instincts.
Song of the Week: Paris (Aeroplane Remix) - Friendly Fires
Podcast Of The Week: Celebs Are In Their Revenge Era, While RHOSLC Is In It's Flop Era
Join us as we discuss why we were underwhelmed by the RHOSLC finale and why we never want RHOM to end. Plus, we fill you in on all the celebrity gossip from this week including Britney’s meltdown, Miley’s shade at Liam and the details on Kim K's clone.
Food for Thought
🦷 The toothpaste you need to try for a whiter smile
🤖 How ChatGPT will destabilize white collar work
😌 Whats making wealthy women look even more rested these days
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“Like all reasonable and rational people everywhere, the only way to properly kick off your week is with a horoscope...” !!